

A Suggestion from Jason .
There will be a bowling tornament for 1N1 guys & girls.You can join as a team or solo. If you are coming as a team you will have to be in a group of 6.Your team can be in any formation like :
All guys[For GAYS]
All girls[For LESBIAN]
all girls with a guy[GANGBANG]
It's up to you(: if you are interested and want to know more about it,
Approach me or contact me at 81021208 or~
Email me at
PS : I'm not going to pay for any injuries that happens during the game .


Random !

Friday, July 10, 2009

Much fun in your DETENTION?!


This is so awesome man. haha!
Didn't expect them to really do it!
But, thanks guys!

Jun kai : Party over?
YEP. aha!
I know the pic is like. SUPER NICE. Nah, kid-ding . chillax .
Wondering what's today's HOMEWORK?!
Math revision 8 Question 1-13!
IF, you haven't do your LITERATURE, i suggest you better finish it :D
Anymore homework? BTW, I'm forgetful, I've always think that I can memorise all the homework but , NO. i can't so, I'll try to take homework down with my handbook, and you yourself too! don't always depend on class blog LOL. but DO TAG!.
[but also remember to do the previous homework(s) if you haven't do so!]
-And also, extremely sorry about today's food order and all those kinda' messed up stuffs!Sorta' my bad, i got all confused.! Ex-ex-ex-ex-extremely SORRY.
Also, About the drinks. . .
I know some of you guys or maybe one,or two, thinks that "the people who are in charge of getting the food for you guys", tend to get their OWN drinks FIRST. Which is, NOT true.
We do care about how unfair it is to get our own drinks first and letting you guys get some other drinks which you guys didn't wanted it.
Well i can admit that we did that once or twice?, but the rest, we didn't.
-I suggest you should stay in class, don't so "kan choing" until come outside and telling us " I want green tea".[:
-you should know that, the box of drinks are always mixed drinks, we don't really have much of a choice. if you wanna' know more, i can tell you "why can't we get all exact like all green tea or sports water or any other drinks. "
Don't snatch please~ kay? The person might get hurt[as in not emotionally, but physically]
o-o . . .
Don't charge towards us like zombies,I might elbow you.Cheh.
Queue- up please,
What we give you, you take.
Not happy with what you get, exchange with others [:
End of ranting.?
"the unglam pic is somewhere over the rainbow."

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